Moslem Cemetery
533 Pictou Road, Valley
The Moslem
Cemetery is the first Islamic cemetery in North America. It is a small Syrian Muslim cemetery located on Pictou Road, Valley, along with a mosque. Established in May 1944, the cemetery was owned and maintained by the Muslim settlers who had immigrated from Syria/Lebanon and settled around the Truro/New Glasgow/Pictou area in the early part of the twentieth century.
The Islamic Association of Maritime Provinces of Canada continue to maintain this Cemetery and small Mosque.
Dominion Chair Company General Store
5637 Highway 2, Bass River
The Dominion Chair Company was first built in 1860 and run by the Fulton brothers, George and William. The company took the name “Dominion Chair Company Limited” in 1903. The factory had a total of six fires between 1860 and 1989, after the sixth fire in 1989 the factory was not rebuilt. The Dominion Chair Company General Store, built in 1890, still stands today and continues to be used as a store.
Bass River Lighthouse (Saints’ Rest Lighthouse)
329 Wharf Road, Bass River
This lighthouse overlooks Cobequid Bay, on the point of the
western side of the entrance to the Bass River. It was built and lit in 1907 by Samuel Beckwith. Shipbuilding also took place at this locale.The lighthouse is a white tapered square wood tower. It was deactivated in 1992 and is one of two remaining lighthouses in Colchester County. It went into private ownership in 1994 from the Crown.